to Dr George Eleftheriou Dental Clinic

Limassol, CYPRUS
List of services
​Routine check-up & teeth cleaning
Composite (white) fillings
Restorative dentistry
Ceramic veneers & Zirconia crowns
Dental implants
Teeth whitening
Aesthetic/Cosmetic dentistry
Consultation on specialty fields in co-operation with Oral & Maxillofacial surgeons, Endodontists & Orthodontists
Make an Appointment
Dr George Eleftheriou
3, Demetri Liperti Str.
Cotsapas Bldg, Off. 102
3090 Limassol, Cyprus
T:+357 25748066
Monday & Wednesday : 9am-1pm and 3-7pm
Tuesday & Thursday : 9am-5pm
Friday : 9am-4pm
About our clinic
Since 1996, our Dental Clinic is dedicated in providing our patients with high quality dental care and long lasting restorations. The digital intraoral camera we use in our daily clinical practice serves not only as a patient educational tool, but also as a sigificant enhacement in our main goal: achieving state of the art dental treatments.
There is also a virtually unlimited volume of photos taken during our clinical practice making each patients dental records accessible at any time and also showing the BEFORE & AFTER state.